A Step-by-Step Guide on the Most Organized Way to Meal Plan

Everyone has their own way of planning out meals for the week. My husband’s idea of "meal planning" is stocking up on cans of chili, spaghetti, and taco fixings. Ah, the bachelor days. These days, I usually do the meal planning in our house and I have worked out my own system for how I like to keep organized.

Meal Planning Tips

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1.  Figure out what you're going to cook for the week

This is by far the hardest part. Many factors go into what I pick each week, including what is in season, how much time I have, and what sounds good. We also don’t necessarily need to have a full meal planned every single evening. Tuesday are “fend” nights in our house - I have my weekly yin yoga class - so any night for which we are on our own for figuring out dinner we deem a “fend” night.

I actually keep a section in my recipe Pinterest board labeled “this week” or “make this now”. I look through all of my recipes and save a few selections to those sections to narrow down the choices.

2. Make your ingredients list and write down where you found it!

This is an extra step that I don’t take every week, but I utilize this tool especially around the holidays or when I’m planning a large menu.

Using the first printable below, I write down the ingredients for each recipe and, using the last line, where I found it (which cookbook or from Pinterest or a recipe card). This is so helpful! I can guarantee you that by the time you go to make that wonderful pulled pork recipe, you won't remember where you saw it, so write it down!

The whole idea behind writing down the meal with the ingredients needed for that meal is because I was buying a two onions on Sunday, using both to cook a meal on Tuesday, and come Thursday, I would forget that I was supposed to save one for Thursday night's meal. Yeah, not good.

Also, I may get different kinds of ingredients depending on the dish it's going into (different kinds of potatoes, onions, cuts of chicken, etc.). It's easy to reference this meal planner when you're in the store so that you know why you are buying said ingredient.

Meal Planning Tips

3.  Make your grocery list

Using the second printable below, make your grocery list. Make sure to include amounts! I can’t tell you how many time I have written down onions only to get to the produce section and wonder exactly how many onions I should be purchasing. Also by using this printable, it also helps you to make sure you don’t forget anything or circle back three times because you realize in the frozen foods section you forgot to get garlic in the produce area.

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4.  Go shopping

When I go to the store, I bring the meal planner/ingredients list with me in addition to the grocery list. Again, this helps me decide which kind of Parmesan or exactly which cut of meat I want, because I can reference the recipe that calls for that ingredient.

Don’t forget your reusable shopping bags. I have some reusable produce bags like these, and I love them. I feel like I am always wasting so much plastic by using so many of those little bags, and these are light enough that they won’t throw off the scale during checkout.

Meal Planning Tips

5.  Prep for the week

I rarely do this, but it's such a good idea - once you get everything home and unpacked, chop, dice, and divvy out your ingredients for each meal for the week.

Make sure and store fresh items in a way that preserves them as long as possible - I love storing carrots and celery in water in pretty mason jars so they stay fresher longer. Transferring herbs from the store's plastic bags into zipper lock bags with damp paper towels can help as well.

Also, make sure to freeze meat or other fresh ingredients if you won't be using them for a while so they don't spoil. I learned the hard way that chicken does not last as long as you would hope in the refrigerator.

What is your meal planning method? Do you have a set night of the week for certain meals (taco night, lasagna night, etc.)? What has worked best for you? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

A Guide to Meal Planning

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