10 Great Podcasts that are NOT True Crime

I listen to podcasts about every chance I get. I will put a podcast on when I'm commuting to work, getting my nails done, or walking in the neighborhood. Like I said, any chance I get. I have a love of lifelong learning and listening to podcasts is one way to fulfill this need.

10 great podcasts that are not true crime

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I am always learning something new and I love having new conversation topics. While I love a good true-crime podcast, most of what I listen to does not fit into that genre. Here are some of the best podcasts that I have found and hopefully you find a new favorite to add to your list.

Stuff You Should Know

Best Podcast to Learn Something New

Hosts Josh and Chuck (and Producer Jeri!) do a great job of breaking down complicated topics into an easier to understand format. They tackle a wide range of topics, such as Cave Diving, Anorexia, and the JKF assassination. , with conversational sidebars occasionally thrown in. I love always having a new topic or informational tidbit to bring up in conversation. This podcast is perfect for that.

This American Life

Best Podcast for Stories and Life Experiences

These hour-long podcasts hosted by Ira Glass are fascinating stories told by masters. The topics are super varied, but always interesting. Anytime I have had a stressful day, I turn on a This American Life podcast and let myself get absorbed into the story. They are well told and always give you something to say at your next dinner or game night.

NPR Life Kit

Best Podcast for Great Life Advice

NPR Life Kit has a bunch of podcasts for different subjects like parenting, exercise, money, and travel. I recommend subscribing to “All Kits” which gives you all the subjects. This way you can delete the ones you are not interested in, but you won’t miss out on any that may interest you. I discovered that I end up listening to them. all. I learn something, even from the ones that usually wouldn't interest me (parenting). The episodes are usually under 25 minutes and they include a summary of the key takeaways at the end which is super helpful.


Best Podcast for Behind the Scenes

Embedded takes a deep dive into news stories and gives you the behind the scenes look that new stories don’t make time for. The Embedded team spends time on the ground. They interview people who are actually involved in the story and look at all sides. I certainly have a much more rounded view of the story after listening to Embedded.


Best Podcast for Daily News

I struggle to stay up with the news. I am not one to watch the 10 o’clock news or read many articles on news websites. I have subscribed to theSkimm email for a few years now. The emails show up in my inbox every weekday morning and have helped me stay up to date with relevant news stories. When the geniuses behind theSkimm emails came out with a podcast, I couldn't wait to listen. The podcasts are 15 minutes tops, which fits into my busy schedule perfectly. They cover just enough information and give the full story, without going on too long.

Nutrition Diva

Best Podcast for Nutrition Tips

I was a little skeptical when I first started listening to the Nutrition Diva. However, I quickly found that Monica Reinagel is very well balanced. She takes a common-sense approach and covers a wide range of interesting topics. She has discussed everything from the microbiome to preventing kidney stones through diet. No fear mongering or extreme diets on this podcast.

Get Fit Guy

Best Podcast for Fitness Tips

While I do not fancy myself a fitness fanatic, I really enjoy Brock Armstrong’s helpful fitness tips. He focuses on functional movement and practical tips for people of all fitness levels. Brock covers a wide range of topics, from Ironman’s to strengthening your feet (and why we all should).

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Hidden Brain

Best Podcast for Understanding Brain Science

I really enjoy learning about why we do the things we do and how the brain works. Shankar Vedantam and his guests do a great job of explaining the complicated brain science in an entertaining way. I always learn something new. This podcast also helps me have something interesting to share around the dinner table.

Coffee Break Spanish

Best Podcast for Learning a Language

While there are several language podcasts available, my favorite is Coffee Break Spanish. When I decided I wanted to learn Spanish, I wanted short episodes that were approachable and fun. While I took two years of Spanish in high school, it did not stick. I have wanted to learn Spanish for a while now, especially to help with my job. Coffee Break Spanish starts from the very basic lessons and scales up over time. They have an easy to understand format and the 20-minute lessons are short enough to fit into a busy schedule. I paid for the premium membership, but the free podcasts are plenty to get started. They have several languages, so if French, Italian, or German is more your speed, they have you covered.

Honorable Mention: Duolingo

After learning basic Spanish from Coffee Break Spanish, I started listening to Duolingo. The story-style podcasts helped me with listening and comprehending skills. Plus, they chime in with English if you get lost.

Trader Joe’s

I can’t get enough of Trader Joe’s. I am a huge fan of their products and their brand, so I was excited when I heard about their new podcast. It’s an inside look at their products, their stores, and how they run their business. Even if you are not a current TJ’s shopper, you may find this interesting and may even become a new customer!

10 great podcasts that are NOT true crime