3 Essential Podcasts for the Ambitious Career Woman

Those that know me know that I’m slightly obsessed with podcasts. I listen on my way to work, while getting my nails done, and generally any chance I get. Below are three of my favorite podcasts that I think every career woman could benefit from.

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Ask a Manager

I absolutely love this podcast. I have found it so helpful when dealing with those sticky situations one must face at work from time to time. While Alison Green is no longer publishing new episodes, many episodes are still available on Apple podcasts. Alison Green gives sound advice on how to deal with tough or annoying work situations, including good sample language to use for those potentially awkward conversations.

She takes questions and calls from listeners and she addresses situations found in a wide variety of office cultures. Alison Green has also published a book that I have not had a chance to read yet, but I’m sure it is full of the same great advice offered in her podcast.

Essential Podcasts for Ambitious Career Women

Women at Work

Brought to us by the wonderful experts at Harvard Business Review, this podcast is focused specifically on women’s issues in the workplace. Women at Work dives deep on issues such as gender discrimination, challenges for women of different races, and the gender pay gap.

The women at Harvard Business Review engage thoughtfully chosen guests to discuss complex topics in a graceful way. The conversations have certainly given me a new perspective on several issues and have led to great discussions with friends, co-workers, and my husband.

Related Reading: Life’s Best Advice, Summed Up in a Graduation Speech

Essential Podcasts for Ambitious Career Women

How I Built This

This podcast focuses on founders of major brands and businesses that we know and love. We hear from Katrina Lake of Stitch Fix, Joe Gebbia of Airbnb, John Mackey of Whole Foods, and so many others. I have learned how they started their businesses and brands, creating something out of nothing.

Related Reading: 10 Great Podcasts that are Not True Crime

I also learned that it is way harder than it seems. The business seems to run you instead of the other way around and that sometimes luck plays a bigger role than we’d like to admit. Even if you are happily toiling away for “The Man,” I believe there are still valuable lessons to gain from these founders that will benefit you in your work life.

Thinking more like a business owner has helped me to make smarter decisions and further my career and the success of my company. I also realized that these founders do not possess any skills that the average person does not possess – they simply had a drive and perseverance to create something new.

Essential Podcasts for Ambitious Career Women

What are some of your favorite career-oriented podcasts? Have you listened to any of the ones mentioned here? What did you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

3 Essential Podcasts for the Ambitious Career Woman